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Don’t Be Fooled By Beauty Myths

Don’t Be Fooled By Beauty Myths
2013/04/01 Better Blueprint

It's simple ~ we hear lots of information on any given day but some of the stuff we hear about beauty (not to mention other topics) aren't necessarily 'words to live by'.

In honor of April Fool's Day, we thought we'd share some this cool infographic with insights from Aussie Celebrity Stylist Sarah Potempa, Celebrity Makeup Artist Amy Nadine, Clairol Principal Scientist Lesley Bride, Secret Senior Scientist Dr. Susan Biehle-Hulette, Olay Principal Scientist Mary Johnson and COVERGIRL Principal Scientist Dr. Sarah Vickery. so you don't get fooled.

What beauty myth can you debunk for us?!

{beauty myths debunked}

{beauty myths debunked}
