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Grown Up House

Grown Up House
2015/01/27 Better Blueprint
{Artstar - Glitter at Dusk} This bedroom even looks more stylish with a simple picture!!

{Artstar - Glitter at Dusk} This bedroom even looks more stylish with a simple picture!!

Use parchment paper and painters tape to get the layout just right BEFORE drilling holes in the walls. I have seen this before but they traced the frames and put up a whole sheet with the outlines and hangers rather than individual cut outs

{pinterest} this represents how you'd lay out a "gallery". this isn't me; I want one...maybe two pieces at a time!


I've been obsessed with making my house a"grown up" house recently. You ask, "what's a grown up house?" and while one could argue that anywhere you pay a mortgage constitutes a 'grown up' house, I'm really talking about the inside. I love the colors I've chosen and some of the furniture I've managed to acquire but it's been missing something - pictures! I have lots that I love and I'm bringing them out of the woodwork to see what belongs where - that includes a few new purchases that I'm scooping out.

Part of a stylish home is a home that reflects you, and besides the choice of paint, I can think of nothing more personal than artwork. So I've taken to the 'net to come up with inspiration...and goods. Let me preface this by saying I am not an art collector but rather a fan of what makes me smile - that's it.

I've enlisted the help of ArtSpace, ArtStar (I will be acquiring Flights of Fancy!) and Amazon (for frames and matting for current pictures).

Carlysle shelving

I've decided/determined the coolest houses have I'm on to making my house my grown up! What is your house project this year?!

One of the pieces I want....

{ - L'ancien Regime}

{ - L'ancien Regime}
