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On the Move…Stylishly

On the Move…Stylishly
2010/08/11 Maya H.

Today, I am on-the-go; headed to the airport en route to Chicago.  Later today Ebonyis hosting a roundtable discussion on the "Real Issues in Public Schools" and will have several big hitters including Russlynn Ali, Assistant Secretary for the Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education; Shayne Evans, Director, University of Chicago Charter School’s Woodlawn Secondary Campus; Elaine Allensworth, Director of Research at the Consortium on Chicago School Research at the University of Chicago Urban Education Institute; Ron Huberman, CEO of Chicago Public Schools; Tim King, President and CEO of Urban Prep Charter Academy for Young Men; and Julianne Malveaux, President of Bennett College.

I'm headed there to participate in this discussion -- there are few things as important as the influences that affect the growth and well being our of children.  Plus, I am confident that self-image factors in significantly when we talk about preparing students for the 'real world' and 'leveling the playing field'.  Look for my discussion highlights later this week.....

In the meantime, let's get back to traveling  stylishly.  We've al been to the airport but, I still felt it necessary to leave you with a few tidbits I've picked up in my 800K+ miles of traveling:

  • If you're not connecting and you're not in a rush, check your luggage to make it easy on yourself
  • During your morning ritual, use the most emollient cream you can find because the plane cabin is desiccating
  • Invest in and carry footies (even if you have heels)....walking on well-trampled ground is just nasty!
  • [I'll say it again] For a trip less than 5 days, choose one main color and then one accent color to make packing easier (for this trip, I did camel and kelly green)
  • The only things that need to go in a plastic bag are liquids; and they can be up to 3.4 ozs!
  • Even in summer, travel with a sweater and scarf because they won't adjust the plane temp to suit just you
  • Bring a few of the magazines that you've stacked up and forgot to read -- it's a cost savings of at least $8
  • I always travel with "scooby snacks" (almonds, etc) so I'm not crazed and dazed on the plane
  • Water is a necessity but, if you don't like it (like me), grab one of the small Crystal Light flavor packs....I use peach tea!!
  • Hand sanitizer and wipes

That's enough for now.  Enjoy your day and I'll report back tomorrow with more updates.  Don't forget to check out the Blueprint for Style FaceBook Fan Page for the best sales and deals for the day!!
