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Recession-proof, Style Savvy Scoop

Recession-proof, Style Savvy Scoop
2009/10/15 Maya H.
  1. Go through your closet and write down (1) what you have a lot of, (2) what you have none of, (3) what is the predominant color, and (4) what is the overwhelming style
  2. [If this is difficult, hire a Personal Stylist who can do it all for you in about 3 hours]
  3. Make a list of the top 5 items you LOVE (without regard for price or availability)
  4. Next to the Top 5 "I ♥" items, estimate price and availability
  5. Now look in your closet.....look hard, of those Top 5 "I ♥" items, which are monochromatic?
  6. Now look in your closet.....look hard, of those Top 5 "I ♥" items, which could you see yourself in now (assuming you purchase nothing else)?
  7. Whatever remains after #5 and #6....get it!

