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Personal Styling


You've been trying to get your style together for want to move from meh to mah-velous! RIght now, you don't know up from down, leopard from cheetah print, navy from French blue, right from fashion no-no but you DO KNOW you want to just look good without thinking about it. Right?


Let's get on the phone ASAP for a complimentary 30-minute Style Evaluation. It's just a phone call between friends to talk about how to move closer to the look you want without wasting time or effort. BOOM!

Services Available Include...

  • Closet Overhauls
  • Image Alignment
  • Personal Shopping
  • "Missing Items" Inventory
  • Outfit Calendaring
  • Style Identification
  • Lookbook Creation
There was a breakdown on the technology highway - please try again.
I’ve heard you and will be in touch!

Life is hard enough. Getting dressed (and looking good) shouldn't be...
